Programming Languages

61 products

Programming Languages

Getting Started with Sensors: Measure the World with Electronics, Arduino, and Raspberry Pi
Vendor: Spiralverse

Getting Started with Sensors: Measure the World with Electronics, Arduino, and Raspberry Pi

Regular price $22.48 Sale price $22.48
Effective C: An Introduction to Professional C Programming
Vendor: Spiralverse

Effective C: An Introduction to Professional C Programming

Regular price $35.49 Sale price $35.49
Flutter and Dart Cookbook: Developing Full-Stack Applications for the Cloud
Vendor: Spiralverse

Flutter and Dart Cookbook: Developing Full-Stack Applications for the Cloud

Regular price $48.39 Sale price $48.39
Oracle PL/SQL Language Pocket Reference: A Guide to Oracle's PL/SQL Language Fundamentals (5th Edition)
Vendor: Spiralverse

Oracle PL/SQL Language Pocket Reference: A Guide to Oracle's PL/SQL Language Fundamentals (5th Edition)

Regular price $21.69 Sale price $21.69
Getting Started with p5.js: Making Interactive Graphics in JavaScript and Processing
Vendor: Spiralverse

Getting Started with p5.js: Making Interactive Graphics in JavaScript and Processing

Regular price $21.89 Sale price $21.89
97 Things Every Programmer Should Know: Collective Wisdom from the Experts
Vendor: Spiralverse

97 Things Every Programmer Should Know: Collective Wisdom from the Experts

Regular price $37.59 Sale price $37.59
R for Everyone: Advanced Analytics and Graphics (2nd Edition)
Vendor: Spiralverse

R for Everyone: Advanced Analytics and Graphics (2nd Edition)

Regular price $68.09 Sale price $68.09
Learning Web Design: A Beginner's Guide to HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Web Graphics (5th Edition)
Vendor: Spiralverse

Learning Web Design: A Beginner's Guide to HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Web Graphics (5th Edition)

Regular price $49.89 Sale price $49.89
Ethical Hacking: A Hands-on Introduction to Breaking In
Vendor: Spiralverse

Ethical Hacking: A Hands-on Introduction to Breaking In

Regular price $35.69 Sale price $35.69
JavaScript for Kids: A Playful Introduction to Programming
Vendor: Spiralverse

JavaScript for Kids: A Playful Introduction to Programming

Regular price $29.29 Sale price $29.29
Data Algorithms with Spark: Recipes and Design Patterns for Scaling Up using PySpark
Vendor: Spiralverse

Data Algorithms with Spark: Recipes and Design Patterns for Scaling Up using PySpark

Regular price $56.89 Sale price $56.89
Assembly x64 in easy steps: Modern coding for MASM, SSE & AVX
Vendor: Spiralverse

Assembly x64 in easy steps: Modern coding for MASM, SSE & AVX

Regular price $20.09 Sale price $20.09